Monday, March 31, 2008
Another fun weekend with my buddies!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Easter!
We are settled back in from our trip this weekend! We went to Mendocino with Marie & Olivier, and Beepers and Uncle Stephane. We went out Friday afternoon and had a nice drive. We went to the grocery store and found everyone there! We all went back to the cottage and moved in! We just hung out for the evening and went to bed. Saturday we had breakfast and went to the Mendocino Botanical Gardens. It was gorgeous! We walked all the way in, to the ocean. Then we went back to the cottage for naps and then dinner.
During the night, someone came to the cottage to visit! It was the Easter bunny! He brought me an Easter basket! (I heard Grandma and Mommy told the Easter bunny my favorite things...)
After lunch we walked and found some ice cream, then went back to the cottage to pack up. We headed back, I slept most of the drive. Now we're back home, and the week is under way!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Kiss the Blarney Stone (Or Me!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A Day In My Shoes (Or Socks)

We had a good weekend! Friday night we went to Abby & Logan's house for dinner. After dinner, us kids hung out with our daddys at home while the mommys went out to see a movie. Then Saturday our friends all came over so we could go to the park and have a memorial picnic for Sophie. It was really nice, and it helped to have our friends there. Then everyone came back to the house and played for the evening. Sunday we ended up going to the doctor, I had a fever and wasn't feeling too hot. The doctor said I have an ear infection, and gave me some medicine. We just went back home and took it easy. Monday I still wasn't feeling too well, so I stayed home with Mommy in the morning, then Daddy came home and stayed with me in the afternoon. It was fun to play hookey for a day! Today I'm definitely feeling better, I went back to school and had a great day!
So I thought it would be fun to share some videos, so you can see what a day in my life is like! The first video is me before I woke up...
The next video is right after I woke up...
Then it's time for breakfast, a little playing, and then it's off to school!
This one is of me playing with my favorite toy at school...
This is me climbing all over our room...
This is me & my teacher Miss Renu reading books...
Here is some video of me with my friends...
Then at the end of the day...
Mommy comes to pick me up! Then we go home, play with some toys, eat some dinner, read some books, and then it's time for bed. Then we start it all over the next morning!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hey Mama!
I made Mommy's day and said "mama" today!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
9 Months Old!

That puts me in the 56th percentile for height and weight, and 91st percentile for my head. My doctor is super happy with everything, said I'm right on target for a healthy girl! And guess what? He said I can move on to try all kinds of new foods. So this week Mommy bought my some yogurt, I heard it's good stuff!
So to enjoy the great weather, we all headed to the San Francisco Zoo. It was me, Mommy, and Daddy, Beepers, Uncle Stephane, Marie, and Olivier, Aunty Ginny, Uncle Jason, Abby, and Logan, and Aunty Kathrin, Kristopher, and Ella. We had a blast! We saw all kinds of animals. The zoo just opened a new exhibit, the Grizzly Gulch. It was crazy, you stand on one side of the glass and the grizzly bear is right on the other side. Then we had some lunch, and rode the train. Afterwards we went over to Marie & Olivier's house and played all evening. It was a perfect day!
Here's the picture of us, the stroller brigade at the zoo:
Today we have just been taking it easy. We slept in, and then played all morning. Daddy and I took a nap after lunch. We went out to run a few errands, and then met Kristopher & Ella (and Aunty Kathrin & Uncle Jim) for dinner. It was a great weekend!