Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where's In The World Is Daddy???

(By the way, if you pause the music you can hear the video. To pause it, scroll down to the "My Favorite Songs" space on the left side of the page, under "My News." Click on the pause button, on the left side of the box.)

Mommy and I surprised Daddy with a boy's trip to Vegas! He and Uncle Stephane went last night and hopefully they are having a great time! We'll find out how he did when he gets home this afternoon...

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi my darling daughter and most darling granddaughter! That was an awesome job pulling the trip to Vegas off as a complete surprise to Brian!! Great planning with you and Kristin and Stephane. Fantastic Father's Day and Birthday for Brian. Amelia, you look so adorable sitting in Mommy's lap watching all the fun:) Love, Mom