Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from Kauai!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Chanukah!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sleep over party

Christopher and I played cowboys. Check out the cool hat Ella let me borrow!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Annual Tellez Christmas Party

Monday, December 15, 2008
Marie's Birthday Party!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
B&V Family Holiday Party

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Miss You Aunty Katy!
Zoo Trip With Aunty Katy
The New Academy Of Sciences
Friday, December 5, 2008
My New Kitchen
I got an early present! Mommy & Daddy got me a kitchen! Aunty Katy arrived just in time to play with it!
I'm so glad she's here!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Buh-Bye Grandma!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My New Chair
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Turkey Day 2008
Thursday morning we woke up and played a lot! I really like playing catch with doggies:) Sarah came over and visited and played until dinner time. It was fun to eat dinner together!
Friday we hung out, had breakfast, then went to meet Sarah, Aunty Lori, and Uncle Chris at a park in Riverside to have our pictures taken! A really really nice friend of Aunty Lori's, Amy, took our pictures. Those will be posted later:) After the pictures we went back to Sarah's house for some dinner.
Saturday after breakfast we headed out to a gigantic mall called South Coast Plaza. Sarah sat on Santa's lap and got her picture taken. We went to lunch at this great place called the Rainforest Cafe! There are animals everywhere! I learned what a gorilla says, Daddy and I kept pretending to be gorillas when we heard them making noise. Grandma and I played in the gift shop, looking at all the animals and fish in there! The balloon guy even made a balloon monkey for me!
After lunch we rode the carousel, so fun! The moms all shopped a little while us kids hung out with our dads. Then we headed back to have dinner with some fam'.
Sunday morning we had some breakfast, then hit the road. It was a loooong drive back, but luckily I had lots of entertainment between Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. Maybe next year we fly!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Gelato and Pizza

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner
After a great dinner, we came back inside to play. We had a silly hat dance in the living room. I didn't realize how many hats I have! After lots of playing, we were all really tired. It was time for bed! Marie & Olivier and Kristopher & Ella decided to spend the night! So the fun carried on Sunday! We had a great breakfast and hung out until everyone had to go home. Such a great weekend!
Sunday night Uncle Tony came over for dinner. It was great to see him!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Grandma's Here!
Here I am, showing her that my thumbs really are the best things ever...
This is us showing my farm animals how nice it is outside...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Olivier!
There was some balance beaming...
Afterwards we went to see Daddy's friend Tony's new house. He had a LOT of people there! There were even some little friends for me to play with! Then we went back to Marie & Olivier's to play.
Had some fun Sunday, here is a picture of me putting a diaper on one of my bears...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Weekend
Saturday morning we went to gymnastics and had a blast! We learned about "on" and "off." I showed Mommy how I know to climb up ladders! We played with the parachute, bubbles, jumping, sliding. But then I was tired...back home for a nap.
Saturday afternoon we went to my friend Jason's birthday party. It was a big party! There were balloons everywhere! Music, crowns and magic wands, and music! I love to dance! We had some dinner, then we watched a magician! He was sooo funny! He even had a bunny rabbit! Then we had cake and it was time for bed...
Sunday Kristopher & Ella came over to hang out while their mommy & daddy went to a grown up party. We had a picnic lunch in the living room, then went on an adventure to the park! We caravaned down there, riding in the wagon and my car. We played with bubbles and Kristopher chased a doggie around! Then we hiked down to the lake and threw rocks in for a while. Then it was time for a nap...
When I woke up, Kristopher and Ella had gone to another party. But Marie and Olivier came over! We had a great time, playing around the house and snacking on cheese and crackers (my favorite!). Then Kristopher & Ella came back over! We had dinner at the picnic table in the living room, and then just took it easy for the evening. After everyone left I was ready for was a great end to a great weekend!