It feels like fall here! All of the sudden, Mommy is dressing me in hoodies and pants! We took a walk this evening and my toes got cold! Sounds like a good time to escape to the Caribbean...
This is a picture of me & Mommy doing the jumping game! I love to stand on anything and try to jump up and down...

I've been doing well, hopefully I'm finally getting over my cold! Daddy said we have gone through a lot of Kleenex over the past couple weeks.

We had a nice weekend! Friday night my friends Abby and Logan came over to visit. Here's a picture of me & Logan...

Then Saturday we went to Walnut Creek for lunch and some outside time. Saturday afternoon my friends Marie & Olivier came over and we went out to dinner! It was fun, I love being outside! Sunday Mommy & I went grocery shopping while Daddy worked from home. Then we hung around the house so Mommy & Daddy could start getting ready for our vacation!! School was closed Monday, so I got to play hookey and stay home with Mommy, then Daddy, and Sophie! Today it was back to school, so I got to see all of my friends!
Here's another cute picture, me in my overalls:)

Well I won't be posting next week, since I will be in the Caribbean! Hope everyone has a nice week and I will tell you all about our trip when we get back!
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