So our week ended better than it started! :)
My first week at daycare was alright, except for the stomach bug I got! Wednesday night I got sick, so Daddy stayed home Thursday to take care of me. Then Friday Mommy got sick, and we were all set to go to Reno for the weekend! Mommy managed to make it up to Reno that night, and we checked into our hotel. My first hotel! We stayed at the Atlantis, so Mommy and I could sleep while Daddy gambled. Here is a picture of me in my first hotel room!

Saturday morning we got up and went to see the hot air balloons setting up. I decided to sleep through it, especially while it was still dark. Mommy and Daddy said it was really cool, it started with the dawn patrol. They "glow" and fly up into the dark sky! Here is a great picture:

After the dawn patrol took off, the rest of the balloons start setting up. About 7:30 am, they all take off and it's called the Mass Ascention. I decided to wake up for that part, cause it was looking pretty neat! There was so much to look at, and lots of pretty colors to watch! The balloons were set up RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! Daddy said some day we might go up in a hot air balloon. (Mommy said we can go without her!)

Afterwards we went back to the hotel and napped, Daddy wasn't feeling so well. Then we went back to Aunty Sheri's house to hang out for the day. We had BBQ by the pool and Daddy went swimming. Sunday we had breakfast at Aunty Sheri's and then drove back home!

Me with Aunty Lori
Me with Aunty Sheri
While we were up there, Aunty Sheri & Aunty Lori were trying to teach me how to roll over. Then when we got home Sunday afternoon, and while I was hanging out on my play mat, I decided to try this rolling over thing that everyone has been asking about! It was fun! I rolled over from my back to my stomach! My Aunties will be so proud!
Back to daycare tomorrow, since I'm feeling so much better!