Saturday, April 2, 2011

Beautiful Day For A Boat Ride!

Yesterday we had a pretty spectacular adventure!  It all started with meeting Abby & Logan at the ferry terminal in Vallejo.  We boarded the big ferry and rode to San Francisco!  The boat was so much fun, the wind in our hair, the sun shining.  We got to sit outside because the weather was so nice!  (Though that didn't keep us from exploring inside.  They have a snack bar!)

We got off the ferry at the Ferry Building in the City.  Oh my many treats there!  We saw a cheese store, chocolate store, bakeries, and restaurants.  I enjoyed a cinnamon bun, Penny had part of a donut.  After a little more browsing, we boarded up in our strollers and headed down to the Fisherman's wharf.

There were birds flying, silver people dancing, and the best part of all?  The funny sea lions!  We watched them wrestle, and bark, and push each other, and bark some more!  Hysterical!  They don't like it when a sea lion who's been swimming (and is all wet) jumps up on the nice warm, dry ones!

After that, we got hungry, so we had lunch at Riptides.  Then we explored the pier, hit the candy shop, rode the merry-go-round.  We walked down to check out Boudin's (sourdough place) and then got back in our strollers.  All that exploring made us tired!  We all took naps while our parents pushed us back to the Ferry Building.

But we woke up to get to pick our favorite treat before heading home!  Penny, Abby, & Logan had gelato.  I had some chocolate bunnies.  I think the moms and dads had gelato too.  Mommy got us some fresh cottage cheese to have as a snack on the ride home, and it was fabulous!  We all dug into it!

We all went back to our house for dinner and cookies.  What a perfect day!

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