We had a visit from Sarah & Aunty Lori this weekend! Our dads went to some class together, I'm not exactly sure what they were doing. Something about going to Vegas or something?
Friday night Sarah flew in, and we went to pick them up from the airport. It was bedtime by the time we got back, so off to bed we went!
Saturday Tabi invited us over to her house to play. We had such a great time! We played all over the backyard while our parents all visited. We had some pizza, played some more, and had to head home for nap.

After nap all of our friends came over to visit! We played in our new playhouse, tore up the upstairs, lots of fun!
Sunday morning we just took it easy, got some great time in with Sarah & Aunty Lori! Here we are playing on the couch with Grandma...

All of the company and stuff wore us out! Check out Penny...

Thanks for coming to visit us, Sarah & Aunty Lori!