Monday, July 28, 2008

Grandma Arrives, Dinner, Golf, Tooth #9, and A Baptism

Sounds like a lot going on, doesn't it? Well that is our life! Grandma arrived Thursday! She flew in for a visit. Friday we went out to dinner and frozen yogurt, and just hung out:)

Saturday Daddy played in his firm's annual golf tournament. Then he and Mommy went to a dinner or something afterwards. (Apparently there was some craziness that night, something about Daddy jumping into the pool with his clothes on to win a prize?) Grandma and I hung out and stayed up really late!

Sunday we went to Sarah's baptism. At lunch I shared a burger with Grandma, it was tasty!

Here is a picture of Sarah with her parents and god-parents, and Father Healy. (That candle Auntie Lori is holding is from HER baptism! Wow! Sarah wore the baptism gown her great-grandfather wore over 90 years ago!)

It was nice, or so I heard. Grandma and I played outside with the other guy my age who didn't want to sit still! We walked all over, played in the elevators, kept busy. Then we joined the crowd again to steal some cookies, which were tasty!

So my ninth tooth is coming in, ouch! It's a big one too, a molar. But it doesn't bug me too much. From what I hear, there are a lot more teeth to come!

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